Sunday, September 21, 2008

here is : kannada slangs SP2

kalchko - depart , leave . 
Gandhi - decent child . truthful and uncorrupted . Also shots which catch the edge of the table in TT. 
Food hakko - Eat something . ondh nimsha eru food hakkond barthini . 
Attendance haku - <>to relive oneself in the loo . 
dovgara - Liar , ingrate . Sycophant . 
Gatti chatney - extremely stingy . Parsimonious . 
hawa bedu - use of strong language to bring under ones control . 
awaz haaku - yell , shout , bent anger , swear . Awaz haaki karkonkd baa . 
train / bus / plane hatsodu - to make a person believe something . 
Othla odi - loiter , waste time . 
othlappan - A specialist in the aforementioned activity . 
Kachu - Literally Bite . In slang means to talk to much for too long without purport . 
pitil kuyodu - To lie , slander , gossip to a disinterested audience . 
Open maadu - to break open a head with a blunt instrument like a Loong . 
Loong - A blunt metal rod used with damaging effects . 
Suit case - Well anatomically speaking a woman posterior .  In crude terms that we all succumb to a " ladys' Ass ". 
Konga / kongati / kongru - Offensive slang . Racist remark . Tamilians living in Karnataka .
urulu hodi - By heart . Commit to memory . Maga a chap naanu urlu haakidine . 

PS - I'm done with these long testing slang blog . If u know some more keep them to yourself . Tell me and open maadthini !


shady said...

de PS is interestin..!! hahahah

Nikita said...

My Kannada vocabulary just shot up. Thankyou!! :P