Monday, April 28, 2008

Nurses : Mortal angels ??

Nurses , their job description includes witnessing , some of life's most joyous as well as tear-jerking scenes . They go about it with a smile on their faces . My writing about nurses is certainly not the first and obviously not the best of articles about them . Nonetheless , I feel remarkably touched by their service , now that I have seen them , whilst staying with my aunt who was recuperating from a surgery , that I have to tell their story .
Try looking into their eyes , try seeing the human being , the sister , mother , wife . All you will see is Grey smoke . Their unchanging public facade hides the troubles , issues worries bothering them . When they are on duty they have forgotten the self , giving rise to these industrial white clothed smiling busy bees . Blood and pain not denting cheery facade in the slightest . Had these nurses given anything less hospitals would be less joyous and more tears . Nursing is one of the professions where women could be most subjected to abuse . But one look at a nurse walking elegantly , calmly down the corridor , you know it , you know she has taken that in her stride , you know deep down inside that your in safe hands( This is very essential as your trusted doctor might not be at your bedside at 2am , a smiling nurse will be ! ) .
Also much to my chagrin , each one of the nurses made it a point to ask my aunt how she felt rather frequently . It was genuine , heartfelt wishing my aunt would recover quickly from her surgery . And she did .
Truly benumbing to see something so serene , so pure , so saintly these days , you will agree .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i don't completely agree with you,that's probably because i havn't been to a good hospital with dedicated nurses..i havn't seen them genuinly concerned about the patients.i have just one incident,back in chennai,when my grandmum was recovering,i have to say i did a better job of being a nurse than the nurse itself.i think you shouldn't generalize this to all nurses..but of course i do agree,a few of them(none i have seen)are dedicated enough.Also i have to include that these nurses are really underpaid for the amount of work that they do.