Monday, October 22, 2007

City market : I like it !!

My mom chided me into accompanying her to city market on the eve of ayudha pooja( One of the big Hindu festivals) . Failing to the see the light in traveling to the city market i argued we would have got better rates for flowers , fruits closer to home .
Nothing really prepared me for what i was about to experience . Anthony Bordain the self confessed open minded love seeking celebrity travelling chef cum TV host would have wet himself in this sea of humans (not humanity mind you) . There were around three people per square feet of the market floor . Hard boiled village women were ribbing me as easily as they were beating down the vendors . Amidst all the elbowing a coupla guys carrying humongous baskets on their heads would come down the aisle thrusting people outta thier way . The smell of rotten flowers and fruits was so offensive it made me go green at the gills . Seeing all the chunky gunny bags and baskets made me have evil thoughts . Each one those of gunny bags could airily hold RDX enough to put holes in everyones guts . If the RDX didn't spill brains the ensuiung stampede would . Eunuch were collecting their bounty from the poor vendors lest they got cursed by them( A eunuch's curse is believed by many to bring frightful bad luck) . I wonder what Anthony would have had to say about this .
I was strangely at ease in the middle of this . I didn't see rogue villagers . I saw people carrying on th their business . i could see smiles all around . I can't explain the calmness . And when i thought of the bomb something deep inside me told me " No Goddamn terrorist gonna mess with us !! " . I even liked the business model of the eunuch's . The atmosphere was filled with some deep electric energy . I even made a few friends with the vendors despite the haggling ! Maybe Anthony would have lived through this , but his camera equipment sure wouldn't have .

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