Monday, July 16, 2007

The Quintessial Terrorist

As a sequel to my previous article , accusing Bangalore born blue eyed chocolate boys as not worth being called terrorists here is someone whom i think is worth his salt a terrorist . This is written outta admiration for the shy unknown Oklahoma bomber .
April 19, 1995 :
Timothy Mcveigh the big Gun totting , big apple American , gulf war veteran drove and parked a 3000 kilo truck bomb in the parking lot of the P Murrah building in the Oklahoma city , Oklahoma state . The Murrah building is/was a building housing The bureau of alcohol , tobacco and firearms and the drug enforcement administration . His pent up anger for the American government he wrote and enclosed in a brown paper envelope in the dashboard of his getaway car . Planned and exucuted with brilliance that amazes everyone , He almost turned himself in by driving away from the bombing scene in his yellow car without registration , insurance and carrying a loaded firearm under his jacket . The Police swooped down on him in no less than 56hours after the bombing . With absolutely no-remorse about what he had done , he apparently described it like a successful science project . Talk of conviction .

Death toll : 167 people . He accepted the death sentence without apologizing for his actions . Timothy McVeigh was executed by lethal injection on morning of June 11 , 2001 . He had turned himself into a one man army . The FBI are groping in the dark trying to tie up loose ends about where he got the explosives and training from .

The t-shirt he was wearing says "Sic semper tyrannis " meaning "thus always to tyrants ".

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Bangalore's Terrorists

Its a shame . Its a insult to terror in itself . Two Bangalore's residents have been detained in London alleged terrorist links . Another of our home grown so called terrorist managed to run a burning car into a airport . Sounds scary .

Its a shame for two things , firstly he should be fied upon to call himself a terrorist . His brave burning jeep attack on the airport barricade , managed to strike terror only in the watching birds around the airport , it also resulted in his martyrdom . Why he carried out the attack nobody knows . Terrorists carry out attacks for a purpose , not to celebrate firecracker's in London . I certainly expected better from our terrorists . These are not even in the league of 9/11 or the likes . He's also made Bangalore look the training ground slipshod terrorists .

Its also a shame because of all the media frenzy that surrounded his brother terrorists arrests . His mom outrightly denied it , acting like it was a blot from blue telling the overeager scribes he was a walking talking angel . Even his college principal B R Ramesh (courtesy Deccan Herald) says he was a popular , average student who finished his MBBS 6 months late . Its just that Dr Ramesh does not know that these are are not grounds that his ex-students should be not terrorists . His poor classmate Chetan also remembers himself riding on an enfield with this wanna be terrorist to college .

After they were detained in London beantown police were up and about like cockroaches questioning the wanna be terrorists parents . Wake up Bangalore !! terrorists are not marked with blue blood . Psychologists say ordinary people are more likely to become terrorists under the right circumstances . Who knows how many of our home grown boys are outta there making bombs ? So the writing on the wall is clear and our Media must stop sensationalizing these attacks and must just stick to reporting news .